How to Make Computer software.

How to make computer software is an interesting question now a day because it is a modern age ie the age of the computer every person wants to work on the computer, but they cannot do so because a computer is a drum machine and the computer has required the software for this purpose to fulfill the requirements of the persons that are very important. In this way, we have organized a mechanism for making the software for the computer that fulfills the requirements of the person in the field of Desktop application.
How to make the first Stage:-
in the first phase, we will  talk about  the requirements of the user and what do want a user on the computer when we capture this concept of the user then we write these requirements on the paper and then come back to the home, and then the user is free for the responsibilities and then we analyze the requirements of the users and write the scope of the software of the computer that is very important
we make the budget for the software and some constraints and security factors  and describe the
functional and non-functional requirements of the user and develop the document that is known as
The SRS.

How to make the Second Stage:-
in the second stage of the software, we describe the design  technique that is very important in the documentation of the software at this stage we draw all the requirements on the papers how many classes are used in this software  back-end and front-end   how it looks, and ie all the classes and
Databases, Tables are designed at this stage.
How to make the third Stage:-
how to make the third Stage that is very important for programming in this stage we will do code?
The design stage if the design stage is captured well then the software will make the best if the design stage is not well then the software will not do well so it is very important for the software project. We make good designs and then code them.
How to make the fourth Stage:

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