How to design computer app step by step.

How to design a computer app.

The design of the computer app is very important for developing the computer application, it is a sketch or diagram form of the working before the coding it has 8 steps that are as follows.

1. Introduction of Design Document       
2. Entity Relationship Diagram (ERD)
3. Sequence Diagrams
4. Architecture Design Diagram
5. Class Diagram
6. Database Design
7. Interface Design
8. Test Cases
We elaborate the concept one by one, first of all, we explain the introduction of the design document.

      Introduction of Design Document

The Software Design Document of Urdu Stemmer is a record to give documentation which will be used to help in providing so as to software improvement the detail elements for how the product ought to be constructed. Inside of the Software Design Document is narrative and graphical documentation software configuration for the project, including Entity Relation Diagram, Sequence Diagrams, Architecture Design Diagram, class diagram, and Database Diagram.
How to design computer app Entity-Relationship diagram(ERD).

It is also called the data model it uses for storing the data into the database and is a very important model in the computer design app.Because it tells us about the table and the attribute that we are used in our database in the below diagram the rectangle shape show the table name and oval shape show the field of the table and underline the  attribute value show the primary key of the table.
How to design computer app,design computer app

How to design computer app,design a computer app
How to design a computer app sequence diagram.
How to design computer app,design a computer app
How to design computer app,design a computer app

How to design computer app,design a computer app

How to design computer app,design acomputer app.

How to design computer app,design acomputer app.

How to design computer app,design acomputer app.

How to design computer app,design a computer app.
How to design computer app architecture Design Diagram
How to design computer app,design a computer app.

How to design a computer app Class Diagram.
This model is called the object model we use the object attribute and function actually we try to show the object behavior and interaction in the form of the object-oriented model.
How to design computer app,design a computer app.

How to design a computer app Database Design.
In this design, we actually show the data model that we use for storing the data of computer app design.
How to design computer app,design a computer app.
How to design a computer app Interface Design.
In this design, we will show actually the real look of the computer app that displays in the following.

How to design computer app,design acomputer app.

How to design computer app,design a computer app.How to design computer app,design a computer app.

How to design computer app,design a computer app.
How to design computer app,design a computer app.
How to design computer app,design a computer app.

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